How to do a headshot in Free Fire?


To perform a headshot in Free Fire, you’ll want to aim your weapon specifically at your opponent’s head. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1.Aim High

When engaging an enemy, aim your crosshairs slightly higher than usual, targeting the head region.

2.Precision Aim

Focus on your target and try to keep your aim steady. Precision is key to landing headshots consistently.

3.Fire in Short Bursts

If using a weapon with high recoil, fire in short bursts to maintain accuracy, especially when aiming for the head.

3.Practice Timing

Anticipate your opponent’s movements and aim accordingly. This takes practice but can significantly increase your chances of landing headshots.

4.Upgrade Weapons

Upgrading your weapons can improve accuracy and stability, making it easier to land headshots.

5.Use Scope

Utilize scopes for long-range engagements. Scopes provide better magnification and accuracy, aiding in landing headshots.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep refining your aim and mastering your weapons to become more proficient at landing headshots in Free Fire.


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